Major Details About Immersion Heater

As a homeowner or landlord, you can choose various methods for getting hot water to your home. A gas-fuelled combination boiler is popular, but renewable energy sources and Immersion Heater installed within the hot water cylinder are also common. Use this guide to learn more about heaters, including what they are, how they operate, and the best ways to employ them. What is an immersion heater: Water can be heated instantly when an electric heater is installed within a domestic hot water cylinder. Electricity is used to power heaters, linked to their power source via an electrical cable. This allows for a simple on/off toggle or the addition of a timer to have it turn on and off at specific intervals. Depending on your needs, an Infrared Heater can be your primary hot water source or a backup to your gas boiler. Given that it operates independently of the boiler and radiators, you can continue to enjoy hot showers and running taps in the event of a central heating system breakdo...